Friday, 30 August 2013

Real story of American Dollar v/s Indian Rupee

Dear Friends,

Kindly forward it to all Indian citizens and advice them to buy Indian products to save our nation. Our county leaders are not ready to save our nation. They are doing business for themselves and dollar countries. Politicians are encouraging foreign products because of their commission, they never worry about our nation. Please try to change our-self.

 Real story of American Dollar v/s Indian Rupee

An appeal to all who are worrying about fall of Indian Rupee

Throughout the country please stop using cars except for emergency. Definitely Dollar rate will come down. This is true. The value to dollar is given by petrol only. This is called Derivative Trading. America has stopped valuing its Dollar with Gold 70 years ago.

Americans understood that Petrol is equally valuable as Gold so they made Agreement with all the Middle East countries to sell petrol in Dollars only. That is why Americans print their Dollar as legal tender for debts. This mean if you don't like their American Dollar and go to their Governor and ask for repayment in form of Gold, as in India they won't give you Gold.

You observe Indian Rupee, " I promise to pay the bearer..." is clearly printed along with the signature of Reserve Bank Governor. This mean, if you don't like Indian Rupee and ask for repayment, Reserve Bank of India will pay you back an equal value of gold.(Actually there may be minor differences in the Transaction dealing rules, but for easy comprehension I am explaining this)

Let us see an example. Indian petroleum minister goes to Middle East country to purchase petrol, the Middle East petrol bunk people will say that liter petrol is one Dollar.  But Indians won't have dollars. They have Indian Rupees. So what to do now? So That Indian Minister will ask America to give Dollars. American Federal Reserve will take a white paper , print Dollars on it and give it to the Indian Minister. Like this we get dollars , pay it to petrol bunks and buy petrol.

But there is a fraud here. If you change your mind and want to give back the Dollars to America we can't demand them to pay Gold in return for the Dollars. They will say " Have we promised to return something back to you? Haven't you checked the Dollar ? We clearly printed on the Dollar that it is Debt"
So, Americans don't need any Gold with them to print Dollars. They will print Dollars on white papers as they like.

But what will Americans give to the Middle East countries for selling petrol in Dollars only?

Middle East kings pay rent to America for protecting their kings and heirs. Similarly they are still paying back the Debt to America for constructing Roads and Buildings in their countries. This is the value of American Dollar. That is why Many say some day the Dollar will be destroyed.

At present the problem of India is the result of buying those American Dollars. American white papers are equal to Indian Gold. So if we reduce the consumption of petrol and cars, Dollar will come down

And here is a small thing other than petrol , what we can do to our Indian Rupee


Please spare a couple of minutes here for the sake of India.
Here's a small example:-

At 2008 August month 1 US $ = INR Rs 39.40
At 2013 August now 1 $ = INR Rs 62

Do you think US Economy is booming? No, but Indian Economy is Going Down.

Our economy is in your hands.INDIAN economy is in a crisis. Our country like many other ASIAN countries, is undergoing a severe economic crunch. Many INDIAN industries are closing down. The INDIAN economy is in a crisis and if we do not take proper steps to control those, we will be in a critical situation. More than 30,000 crore rupees of foreign exchange are being siphoned out of our country on products such as cosmetics, snacks, tea, beverages, etc. which are grown, produced and consumed here.

A cold drink that costs only 70 / 80 paise to produce, is sold for Rs.9 and a major chunk of profits from these are sent abroad. This is a serious drain on INDIAN economy. We have nothing against Multinational companies, but to protect our own interest we request everybody to use INDIAN products only at least for the next two years. With the rise in petrol prices, if we do not do this, the Rupee will devalue further and we will end up paying much more for the same products in the near future.

What you can do about it?
Buy only products manufactured by WHOLLY INDIAN COMPANIES.Each individual should become a leader for this awareness. This is the only way to save our country from severe economic crisis. You don't need to give-up your lifestyle. You just need to choose an alternate product.

Daily products which are COLD DRINKS,BATHING SOAP ,TOOTH PASTE,TOOTH BRUSH ,SHAVING CREAM,BLADE, TALCUM POWDER ,MILK POWDER ,SHAMPOO , Food Items etc. all you need to do is buy Indian Goods and Make sure Indian rupee is not crossing outside India.

Every INDIAN product you buy makes a big difference. It saves INDIA. Let us take a firm decision today.

We are not anti-multinational. we are trying to save our nation. every day is a struggle for a real freedom. we achieved our independence after losing many lives.
they died painfully to ensure that we live peacefully. the current trend is very threatening.

Multinationals call it globalization of indian economy. for indians like you and me, it is re-colonization of india. the colonist's left india then. but this time, they will make sure they don't make any mistakes.

Russia, S.Korea, Mexico - the list is very long!! let us learn from their experience and from our history. let us do the duty of every true Indian. finally, it's obvious that you can't give up all of the items mentioned below. so give up at least one item for the sake of our country!

Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Antiestablishmentarianism is a policy or attitude that views a nation's or society's power structure as corrupt, repressive, exploitative or unjust.

Antiestablishmentarians adhere to the doctrine of opposition to the social and political establishment. Their purpose is to subvert from within. This doctrine holds that establishments lose connection with the people and have their own agendas which frequently destroy the things they blindly don't address.

Antiestablishmentarianism has ties to anarchism but should not be confused with antifederalism or antifeudalism.

Modern day use
The modern use of the anti-establishment label became widespread in the 1960s.

The mindset this label describes prospered under the anxiety and frustration/anger with the United States government during the Vietnam war, as well as many other national governments during a similar time frame. Anxiety over the draft led to doubts concerning the implicit purpose of the war effort, and the moral legitimacy of that implicit purpose. The same attitude of doubt and independent moral scrutiny was, during this time period, applied to many established institutions of the day: race relations, gender relations, sexuality, cultural norms, musical creativity, drugs and drug prohibition, as well as various socio-economic concerns.

In this connotation, the phrase has at times been applied retroactively to historical phenomena that occurred before the 1960s; for example, the attitudes of both the German Nazi and Communist parties in the early 1930s; or the American radical movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Hungry Generation
In India the group of writers and painters during 1960s who called themselves Hungryalists are the most important contributors to antiestablishment literature.

This talk of revolution is all humbug.  All this can we swept with the same broom to the trash can called "antiestablishmentarianism."  It applies also to religions who claim, "converting only to my religion will save you and your family" or "coverting to my religion is the only way out for you"..... because your religion is bad/wrong, does not show you the truth.

So you will notice that every antiestablishmentarian scaremonger tries to unleash fear in others, ask you to surrender and give in, by conveying through different nonviolent, not-so-violent, violent, and extremely violent modes, their underlying basic code, i.e. "you have to either comply or perish."

Living in exile in the safe, warm, and cosy comforts of democracy, renegades wrote their manual against democracy and named it communism.  The freedom of speech, of demonstration and protests displayed by coomies around the world are the ones most denied and crushed with a heavy fist under communist regimes.  Do you know anyone in any coomie paradise who did not comply and did not perish?

Humanity has a slow pace, no revolution is as stable and inclusive as evolution.  It is also true that humanity or for that matter animal world cannot exist without disparity.  Lions cannot agree to eat shrubs to establish equality and peace with antelopes.  Similarly, you cannot run a factory that is full of managers who give orders or full of workers who take orders to establish equality.  Phantasmagoric leftist intellectuals who dream of a world where manufacturing price = selling price to stop exploitation simply lack the prudence to exist among humans, forget discussing about economics.

Human thought will not agree to be forced to drive only through the Highway 1 to reach heaven.  The taste and comprehension of every human varies, and so, naturally, everyone agrees with a taste and logic that only he is comfortable with.  Every other imposed demand is unnatural, short-lived, and out-of-sync with the saga of human race.

The unheard and trampled voices of millions and millions of innocent humans crushed in attempts to hoist revolutions around the world simply does not permit civilized humans to sanction such revolutions.  The astonishing silence and coverup of the gruesome torture and killings of millions and millions of innocent men, women and children when revolutions have attempted to replace systems in nations across the world speaks in itself for the evil and failure of these revolutions which are argued to be ultimately for human good.

Revolutions are lead by frustrated renegades who ruin the lives of millions in order to showcase the lives of a few hundreds.  It has always been a failure, it is, and it will be...

The moot question now is the relevance of antiestablishmentarianism.  Inequalities and injustice has been part of human history, and to be prudent, shall be so ever, because we have now come to a point where we can distort any political or social turning point or incident from an inequality/injustice point of view.

Every political ideologue, who looks forward for a political life, knowingly or unknowingly, has been exposed to the practical aspects of antiestablishmentary movements.  The success of a political ideologue lies in his making a niche by finding his own antiestablishmentarian causes.

Quite naturally, antiestablishmentarian issues are not found freely lying by the road.  So what do we do?  Simple! Create one.

Making an issue out of a nonissue, rekindling instances in far forgotten and irrelevant history, distorting contemporary issues, and more dangerously stoking dissent - doing it all the while nestled in the comforts and safety of the establishment.

Antiestablishmentarianism can make even a mass murder like him a posterboy

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Madamas' Monologues

Our TV stations are not crying rape anymore and the fiery canine barks have died down.  The rape season seems over and the boyfriends fed up.

Rapes of all hues have happened after the star-studded delhi rape, but none of them have had the oomph to get on prime time.

So now we learned that women comes cheaper if they are not your family member, that mother is the costliest, followed by your sister and wife, and that it does not mean much if she is your lover.... and of course girl-friends come cheapest.

Delhi is not a city that is new to rape.  So what caution did our bravehart couples take when they decided to go for a movie that night in delhi?  Did they factor the risk of trouble under the cover of darkness?  Did anyone ask this?

Do we take our wives to city parks and marine drives to smooch and cuddle her in the open?  So who are those that rape the cityscape with their PDAs?

Indian madamas had shown us placard that said "dont teach us how to dress, but teach your sons not to rape," and not surprisingly there has been quite many takers for this.

Wearing a burqa surely touches the raw nerve of "liberated" women.  They say it is very regressive and they also argue that a maximum coverage dress like burqa or a saree is not 100% rape proof.  Now does that mean wearing a minimum coverage dress makes the picture better for women?  ... how is a woman's "liberation-ness" related to liberation from clothes?

Babe, you are bold, brave, liberated, and modern only if you drop your clothes.  What kind of logic is that?

So we have come of age and accepted that being stupid is very fashionable and with a tinge of commonsense-less-ness you could be an icon or even a braveheart.

The delhi crowd was amazing, but do those numbers represent India?  Well then will you accept the opinions of our babas, minsters, and Bhagwats if they rope in a bigger crowd?

I have a question to our flauntophilic madamas.  What would you do if your prospective son-in-law announces that he would like to lay you rather for your curves than your daugther irrespective of her impressive assets, portfolios, inheritance, and resumes?

You dont see it coming when Abhishek Singvi, ND Tiwari, Gopal Kanda,  Mahipal Maderna, Kunjalikutty, Jalish Khan, PJ Kurien, Sushil Sharma are thriving in the ruling party.  You dont see it coming when the victim and her friend lay on the road naked and bleeding, yet no one from the public came forward for help and now only the police is to be blamed.  You dont see it coming when women want to do what they want and end up having those pregnancies, not supported by their families and boyfriends, and our madamas make their valuable presence felt in our underground dance bars  to make both ends meet.

There is nothing called immoral now a days, because even the mention of the word 'immoral' offends women who do "what they want" to fund their "what they like" liberated lives.  Coincidentally, if you are interested, service providers would come to you in flashy cars and bikes and show you folders full of photos categorized into college students, aunties, NRI wives, divorcee, working girls, models, serial actress, cine actress and a rendezvous facilitated subject to full payment.  Yet, we dont see how men have all the fun by getting women to have a derision for morality, by getting women to be liberated.

You dont see the hypocrisy when bollywood bigwigs who run Indias couch casting wholesale dealership came for delhi braveheart photo shoots.  Did Preeti Jain show up there, heard that name?

When grease oil was splashed on a lady teacher during teachers strike here in kerala, our madamas were missing.  Was it respectful?  When party cadres of one party pee'd on women supporters of another party during election campaign the wide traps were tight shut why?

The likes of Arundathi Roy will attend only rape scenes that would assure her at least a 1000 camera clicks.  Did she ask the maoists why they rape tribals and force sterilize them during her adventure trek to maoist bastion?

Heavily wide-mouthed women activists of Tamilnadu are mute as sleeping kitten when Tamil films ship only the fairest Punjabi girls with biggest thighs for heroine roles.  What should a Tamil girl think of herself when Tamil boys prefer to drool at those imported fair bellies? one seems to have problems if "women" show up in our films only for item numbers and masalas.  How many actresses would have a place in Indian cinema if not for their fair thighs, bellies, and boobs?  What have women chairmen of film censor boards done to stop women being displayed as "item girls"?  Can any "woman" in cinema deny couch casting?  Isn't it true that you have no problem being the "keep" until it gets exposed or unless you felt he has been "keeping" you for too long and/or has not paid dividends?

So you let these men do it filmy style, and when get caught it becomes "the smallest thing" ..and yet how many of our braggart women went close enough to him to throw a high heeled at him or sent him pink chaddies? or have these women braggarts come forward to check out what went on during Vijay Mallya's nasty parties?  Where are the Arundathi ammas?

What is common between mallika sarabhai, arundathi roy, and meena kandasamy, the courageous women who preaches to indian women about how to live?  Their failed marriages, what else...and why are indian women being taught by these failed women on how to be a good woman and how to run a family?

..and how many of these highly-educated, enlightened women and their male well-wishers and colleagues have fought against sleaze that demeans women, protested against printing pictures of wardrobe malfunctions and who and hows of being snapped panty-less?

Sunny Leone in Siddhivinayak temple and Poonam Pandey in Kumbh Mela is where Bharath meets India and gives future Indian moms an idea how to get their daughters their dream break.

Madamas still have no clue how they are being groomed.

'Cause every woman in here, ever since you were … every guy you met has been trying to f*** you. That's right. Women are offered dick every day. Every woman in here … gets offered dick at least three times a week. Three times a day, shit! That's right, every time a man's being nice to you … all he's doing is offering dick. That's all it is., said Chris Rock.  When boys take you to a pub late night, you dont see this reality.  “Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.” said Oscar Wilde.  For the flaunters, the pub goers, and party freaks these men are crazy right?

We are told blondes are dumb.  We don't have blondes in India, but arent our madamas equally dumb for shouting and thinking from their vaginas?  Dear..what is the fuss with indian rapes when you have 100 times ours happening in UK, and no fuss?  Your hyperbole left even phoren magazines gawking.  So what is itching you really?

It needs no more proof to realize the reality that our cities are not safe.  In being so, isn't it more prudent to do what is safer than push our women into danger by asking them to test the efficiency of govt machinery with their lives?  Or is our madamas wanting to dress what they want, whenever they want, go where they want, however they want, without or with anyone they want inspite of all these tragedies proving the chauvinists right who believe women are not good enough to take care their own sacred life even?

When Mohan Bhagwat stated the Indian women vs Bharthiya women stuff, there were scores of indian madamas who let loose their wide trap to voice their crap.  Where were they when the First Class Judicial Magistrate Court ordered the police to file a case against Amrutha  who beat up her eve-teasers in kerala.  Where where they when, Sangeetha, an actress was showered abuses by a traffic policeman in broad daylight? 

.. or when an Orissa policewoman was beaten up by a mob of 100s of congressmen.  This police woman is someones daughter, someones sister, someones wife, someones mother  ....  did Arundathi ammachi hear of her?

These inconsistencies in the heat period of women activists' conscience suggests that its explanation lies elsewhere.  It depends on what itches you, where, and when.

Some of them have their assets to flaunt, who get the itch to flaunt, and get a high when they get those safe drools from dropping jaws in those malls and coffee bars.  Some are so adept in wardrobe malfunction on demand.  So any demand to cover up itches real bad.

Some of them have some grasp of English, who get the itch to write, and the thought that every page for them is a step closer to becoming a la Arundathi Roy gives them their high.  Some are candid though that their column only has a shelf life of 2 hours before it lands in the chana wallahs trolley.

Some of us have a wide trap, who get the itch to rant, but you cant just rant about everything, so you wait for your kill and puke it if the kill can take all your templated ideas you have built up over the weeks and months you lay waiting.  A good rant is their vent.

Some have a pen drive full of downloaded files, it itches to act when you have read enough, you take your car keys when you know there is a crowd that shouts your kind of slogans and gives your fill of high.

All have the same right to walk free in the forest, but a wise antelope will always keep a distance of many gallops from a napping Jaguar.

If Delhi cop says it is not in his power to police every single woman at 3 a.m. you hate him.  Will you love him if he admits he just does not have the resource to get a policeman on that street at 3 a.m.?  Does the fact that daytime in Delhi is not safe for women make them take safety at night for granted?  Just because women find it erroneous to think that a male-companion is a must have for safety make her rebel against this idea and toy with danger herself?

India fares very badly, among many other things, in rape statistics too, faring a poor 100 among nations of the world.  Authors of foreign magazines who watched our braveheart protests were fluxomed at the passion in Delhi as Indian men are not known to be amorous enough to be credited with such frenzy.

 India nor Indians have any obsession for violating vaginas.  What we see and hear today are just the offshoots of general decandance that has gripped our nation.  Corruption has gone to unimaginable levels and inefficiency has been perfected under the watchful eyes of the corrupt that hapless men on the streets are too meek to take on the babus, and with devil-may-care attitude of our youngsters towards others as well as themselves, who now really cares about drunken driving, molestation or a rape?  Is molesting ever a news for us now?.....  or is molesting okay?

Which of these women do we eulogize daily on TV to help our boys respect women?
 Slowly but surely, we have to learn to come to terms and live with this.  Death penality is good and may deter a few, but low conviction rates and buyable police and inept politicians will hardly help a rapist reach the gallows.

We have fallen for sure, not just the men, but women too in equal measure.  Accept it, for truth is bitter.

We dont see how we have allowed to degenerate as a society, we dont see how we compete with each other to degenerate by denigrating ourselves and others. 

Nothing better speaks the truth than the meme below put up by native indians of USA.

also read:  comodifying women

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Orangutans are considered as pests by the palm oil industry

Orangutans are some of our closest relatives, sharing approximately 97% of their DNA with humans. Orangutan means 'Person of the jungle' in the Indonesian language. It is estimated that 6 to 12 of these 'jungle people' are killed each day for palm oil. These gentle creatures are either killed in the deforestation process, when they wonder into a palm oil plantation looking for food, or in the illegal pet trade after they've been captured and kept as pets in extremely poor conditions and provided with extremely poor nutrition.

Orangutans are considered as pests by the palm oil industry. In the deforestation process, workers are told that if wildlife gets in the way, they are to do whatever is necessary in order to dispose them, no matter how inhumane. Often orangutans are run over by logging machinery, beat to death, buried alive or set on fire... all in the name of palm oil.
Did you know that each and everyone of us is fueling one of the world's biggest ecological disasters and acts of primate genocide in history?  
Borneo and Sumatra are two of the most bio-diverse regions of the world, yet they have the longest list of endangered species. This list includes the magnificent orangutan. These two South-East Asian islands are extremely rich in life, containing around 20,000 flowering plant species, 3,000 tree species, 300,000 animal species and thousands more being discovered each year. Despite this amazing biodiversity and delicate web of species, an area the size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour in Indonesia and Malaysia to make way for the production of one vegetable oil. That's 6 football fields destroyed each minute. This vegetable oil is called palm oil, and is found in hundreds of the everyday products, from baked goods and confectionery, to cosmetics and cleaning agents... many of which you buy in your weekly shopping.  
Due to the massive international demand for palm oil, palm oil plantations are rapidly replacing the rainforest habitat of the critically endangered orangutan; with over 90% of their habitat already destroyed in the last 20 years.

Orangutans are some of our closest relatives, sharing approximately 97% of their DNA with humans. Orangutan means 'Person of the jungle' in the Indonesian language. It is estimated that 6 to 12 of these 'jungle people' are killed each day for palm oil. These gentle creatures are either killed in the deforestation process, when they wonder into a palm oil plantation looking for food, or in the illegal pet trade after they've been captured and kept as pets in extremely poor conditions and provided with extremely poor nutrition.

Orangutans are considered as pests by the palm oil industry. In the deforestation process, workers are told that if wildlife gets in the way, they are to do whatever is necessary in order to dispose them, no matter how inhumane. Often orangutans are run over by logging machinery, beat to death, buried alive or set on fire... all in the name of palm oil.

Government data has shown that over 50,000 orangutans have already died as a result of deforestation due to palm oil in the last two decades. Experts say that if this pattern of destruction and exploitation continues, these intelligent acrobats of the jungle will be extinct in the wild within 3 to 12 years (as early as 2015). It is also thought that their jungle habitat will be completely gone within 20 years (approximately 2033).

Around 50 million tons of palm oil is produced annually; with almost all of that being non-sustainable palm oil, that replaces 12 million hectares of dense, bio-diverse rainforest. That's the equivalent landmass of North Korea deforested each year for palm oil alone!

Palm oil is also having a shocking impact on our planet. The production of this one vegetable oil is not only responsible for polluting rivers and causing land erosion, but when the plantation workers set fire to the remaining trees, shrubs and debris to make way for the oil palms, it produces immense amount of smoke pollution that is toxic to planet earth. This has been found to be the second biggest contributor to greenhouse gas in the world.

By purchasing products that contain crude palm oil, you are helping destroy ancient, pristine rainforest, wipe out species like the orangutan, and create a large-scale ecological disaster. Think of the consequences next time you do your weekly shopping; the consequences not only for orangutans and other animals, but for us as the human race; for we cannot survive without the rainforests either. We have a choice, orangutans do not.
See Video: 

Read more:
More pictures: 


Thursday, 3 January 2013

Swami Vivekananda on Women

“The soul has neither sex, nor caste nor imperfection.”

“The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women.”

” There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved.”

“Woman has suffered for aeons, and that has given her infinite patience and infinite preserverance.”

“The idea of perfect womanhood is perfect independence.”

“Soul has no sex, it is neither male nor female. It is only in the body that sex exists, and the man who desires to reach the spirit cannot at the same time hold sex distinctions. (CW ,V.4, P.176)

It is very difficult to understand why in this country [India] so much difference is made between men and women, whereas the Vedanta declares that one and the same conscious Self is present in all beings. You always criticize the women, but say what have you done for their uplift? Writing down Smritis etc., and binding them by hard rules, the men have turned the women into manufacturing machines! If you do not raise the women, who are living embodiment of the Divine Mother, don’t think that you have any other way to rise.

In what scriptures do you find statements that women are not competent for knowledge and devotion? In the period of degeneration, when the priests made the other castes incompetent for the study of the Vedas, they deprived the women also of all their righ ts. Otherwise you will find that in the Vedic or Upanishadic age Maitreyi, Gargi, and other ladies of revered memory have taken places of Rishis through their skill in discussing about Brahman. In an assembly of a thousand Brahmans who were all erudite in the Vedas, Gargi boldly challenged Yagnavalkya in a discussion about Brahman. Since such ideal women were entitled to spiritual knowledge, why shall not the women have same privilege now? What has happened once can certainly happen again. History repeats itself. All nations have attained greatness by paying proper respect to women. That country and that nation which edo not respect women have never become great, nor will ever be in future. The principal reason why your race h! ! ! ! as so much degenerated is that you have no respect for these living images of Shakti. Manu says, “Where women are respected, there the gods delight; and where they are not, there all works and efforts come to naught.” There is no hope of rise for that fam ily or country where there is no estimation of women, where they live in sadness. (V7. p.214-15)

When people are discussing as to what man and woman can do, always the same mistake is made. They think they show man at his best because he can fight, for instance, and undergo tremendous physical exertion; and this is pitted against the physical weak ness and non-combating quality of woman. This is unjust. Woman is as courageous as man. Each is equally good in his of her way. What man can bring up a child with such patience, endurance, and love as the woman can? The one has developed the power of doin g; the other, the power of suffering. If woman cannot act, neither can man suffer. The whole universe is one of perfect balance. (CW V.2,p.25-26)

If you do not allow one to become a lion, he will become a fox. Women are a power, only now it is more evil because man oppresses woman; she is the fox, but when she is no longer oppressed, she will be the lion (CW vol.7,p.22)

[Talking to an American audience] I should very much like our women to have your intellectuality, but not if it must be at the cost of purity. I admire you for all that you know, but I dislike the way that you cover what is bad with roses and call it good. Intellectuality is not the highest good. Morality and spirituality are the things for which we strive. Our women are not so learned, but they are more pure.

Not until you learn to ignore the question of sex and to meet on a common ground of common humanity will your woman really develop. All this is the cause of divorce. Your men bow low and offer a chair, but in another breath they offer compliments. They sa y, ‘Oh, madam, how beautiful are your eyes!’ What right have they to do this? How dare a man venture so far, and how can you women permit it? Such things develop the less noble side of humanity. They do not tend to nobler ideals.

We should not think that we are men and women, but only that we are human beings, born to cherish and to help one another. No sooner are a young man and a young woman left alone than he pays compliments to her, and perhaps before he takes a wife, he has courted two hundred women. Bah! If I belonged to marrying set, I could find a woman to love without all that! (CW Vol. 5, p. 412-413)

Men and women in every country, have different ways of understanding and judging things. Men have one angle of vision, women another; men argue from one standpoint, women from another. Men extenuate women and lay the blame on men; while women exonerate men and heap all the heap on women. (CW V.7, p.378)

“In the West its ideal is wife, in India in the mother”.

“In India the mother is the center of the family and our highest ideal. She is to us the representative of God, as God is the mother of the universe. It was a female sage who first found the unity of God, and laid down this doctrine in one of the first hy mns of the Vedas. Our God is both personal and absolute, the absolute is male, the personal, female. And thus it comes that we now say: ‘The first manifestation of God is the hand that rocks the cradle’.” (CW V.4 p.170)